How to Move to London

Moving to London, England can be a life changing experience. It is a great city with many opportunities. If you are moving from the United States to London, there are a few things you will need to do before making your stay there.

Things You'll Need

  • Visa
  • Passport
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      Be aware of the difference in currency. The American dollar is worth less than the pound. You will need to get used to using pounds and grasp how much things will cost as well as how much you will get paid at a job.

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      Visit London for six months on a six-month visa. In this time period you could look for work. You will not be allowed to stay longer unless you are approved to and get another visa. You will also need to show proof that you have enough money to stay in London for the amount of time approved.

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      See if you are eligible for British citizenship or European Union citizenship. This will allow you to stay there indefinitely. You will be able to work and not have to continue to renew a visa.

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      Get a work visa. Once you look for work after being there for six months, the employer would have to file for a visa for you to come work with him.

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      Take with you only the things you will need. Avoid taking large items or having them shipped over seas. You can leave large items with friends or family where you can get them on a later date if at all. You can also sell items you don't want in order to make extra money for the trip.

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      Find a place to live. This should probably be done before arriving in London. Even though you will have a job, this doesn't mean you will easily find a place to live.

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