Science Activities in Minneapolis

Whether you're a teacher researching science field trips or tourists on vacation in lake-filled Minnesota, plenty of science activities abound for you in Minneapolis. With natural features like the Mississippi River and museums, zoos and universities, you can find activities that focus on many areas of science, including astronomy, geology, natural history and physics.

  1. For Kids and Youth: Permanent Exhibits

    • A number of year-round exhibits are available in Minneapolis to educate and engage children and young adults. Learning centers like the Bakken Museum feature kid-friendly electricity education like the "electricity party room" and "body electric," while children learn about the rainforest canopy perched on the aerial walkways in the Bell Museum of Natural History, which also has diorama halls featuring Minnesota habitats. An engineering kids' museum, The Works, offers family activities every Saturday.

    For Kids and Youth: Special Events

    • The annual Twin Cities Regional Science Fair provides a fun venue for creating science projects for students in grades 6-12. For seasonal weekend workshops, the Bakken Museum offers activity sessions like an inventors' club and a Lego robotics team. Kids can also get involved in practical science around the community by volunteering with Friends of the Mississippi, which organizes occasional warm weather cleanup efforts. The annual Minneapolis physics circus is a highly entertaining event sponsored by the University of Minnesota. For astronomy study, the Minnesota planetarium offers the ExploraDome, a transportable, classroom-accessible gateway to the stars.

    For Adults

    • The University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering offers a variety of undergraduate research opportunities in areas including astrophysics, computer science, and geological engineering. At the Bell Museum of Natural History, adults can learn about science applications like sustainable housing projects by touring a solar house. For a physical challenge and scientific observation, the Mississippi River Challenge is a paddled nature tour covering more than 40 miles of Minnesota ecology, sponsored by Friends of the Mississippi.

    Twin City Science Activities

    • The greater Minneapolis area is home to The Science Museum of Minnesota, in nearby St. Paul, and the Minnesota Zoo, in suburban Apple Valley. View significant artifacts at exhibits like the King Tut display or learn about tiny engineering at NanoDays at the Science Museum. Learn about exotic animals like red pandas and macaws at the Minnesota Zoo, which offers programs for children and families.

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