How to Search for Vacations in Maine

Whether you want to visit Maine's lakes and mountain district, the sweeping Maine coastline, Portland or the Maine beaches, you will find what you need to know about visiting Maine at your fingertips. A wide variety of websites and state-sponsored tourism bureaus help you to plan your vacation quickly. With 6,000 lakes and 32,000 miles of rivers, Maine offers the ideal vacation ground for the naturalist and the adventure seeking family. Whether you are looking for exceptional seafood, friendly residents or a variety of landscape, you can find just about any vacation you'd like in Maine.


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      Access the Maine Tourism board website at Free brochures are made available by the state of Maine's official tourism guide. With a comprehensive website and free literature, you will have what you need to know about vacationing in Maine.

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      Gather information on sea adventures by visiting websites that organize boat trips. In Maine, companies such as Cap 'n' Fish's Boat Trips and Hardy Boat Cruises offer tourist packages that include whale watching, lighthouse cruises and fall coastal cruises that focus on Maine's spectacular fall foliage. Boating tour companies offer you literature free by mail or you can browse their websites for the adventure that fits your budget and your tastes.

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      Visit Trip for information about Maine vacations. You'll find hundreds of reviews on traveling in Maine by folks who have already done it. You can use your Facebook account to see which of your friends contribute to Trip Advisor and find out the best accommodations with honest and frank reviews made by travelers like yourself and not by the companies themselves.

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      Use your online social network to find out about trips to Maine. Ask your friends if they have taken any vacations or know anyone who has. Using social networking can lead you to great deals and places to stay that may be cheaper than published rates.

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      Consult a vacation home rental website such as to find leads on homes to stay in while you are in Maine. You can search by city, by deal or by region. If you find a particular property you like, contact the local Chamber of Commerce to find out tourism information.

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