San Diego Thanksgiving Events & Activities

Thanksgiving sparks many events and activities throughout the city of San Diego. This city features a traditional Thanksgiving Mother Goose parade with displays and parade floats that cater to every age group in celebration of the holiday. On Thanksgiving you can also relish in the musical arena at the annual jazz festival or have your entire holiday dinner prepared for you at the luxury Hilton resort in San Diego.

  1. Mother Goose Parade

    • The Mother Goose parade is held every year in San Diego on Thanksgiving Day. The theme celebrates Thanksgiving with holiday and nursery rhyme floats. Story book characters are also seen walking after or next to certain floats. This event also features a marching band and old fashioned cars. People from the local community often drive these cars and participate in the parade. Fund-raising booths are set up to support local charities. Some people in the floats also throw candy and other treats to children. This event is casual so there is no need to dress up.

    Thanksgiving Dinner at the Hilton La Jolla

    • Enjoy a relaxing day at home with family before heading over for Thanksgiving dinner at the Hilton. You can also spend the day at the parade and then eat. Every year the Hilton La Jolla resort in San Diego prepares an elegant Thanksgiving feast with wine, moist turkey and other Thanksgiving favorites such as autumn squash, grilled vegetables and white chocolate pudding cake for dessert. The cost varies each year and reservations are required.
      There are no specific rules with regard to attire, but the resort is high end so you may want to dress up.

    Thanksgiving Jazz Festival

    • The Dixieland Thanksgiving Jazz Festival is held every year in San Diego on Thanksgiving. This event features live jazz shows throughout the day. The performers also play a variety of different types of jazz such swing dance, traditional jazz and other styles. This activity is a jazz lovers paradise with a Thanksgiving dinner as the icing on the cake. The festival features a catered buffet style meal that includes all the trimmings such as turkey, cranberry sauce, pies, cakes, green beans and many other side dishes. Wine and other tasteful beverages are also served.Wear your finest clothing for this event.

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