How to Camp at Ocean Shores, Washington

Ocean Shores, located on the Washington coast, is a stunning location for vacation any time of year. Camping is recommended during the summer months as winter conditions on the Washington coast are often severe. Camping is as expensive or inexpensive as you make it; you can prepare yourself with everything but the kitchen sink, or you can rough it with a tent a sleeping bag and a can of beans. The experience is up to you; however, to make your Ocean Shores trip pleasant, keep a few things in mind.

Things You'll Need

  • Camp reservation
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bags
  • Warm clothing
  • Bottled water
  • Flashlights
  • Matches
  • Camping gear
  • Camping food


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      Reserve a camp site. The two year-round public campgrounds are both relatively inexpensive ($19 to $33 per night). Ocean City State Park is the larger of the two, with 178 campsites, running water for toilets and showers, in-site picnic tables, fishing and hiking amenities. Pacific Beach State Park offers 64 camp sites and all the same amenities save hiking and fishing rentals.

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      Pack the car for summer. If you are camping at Ocean Shores during the summer, you will need a tent, sleeping bags, pillows, coolers of camping food (small grocery markets exist, but bringing everything you need is more economical), hiking clothes, bathing suits, towels, drinking water, flashlights, camping lanterns, matches, bug spray, sand toys and games such as shovels and kites, and a roll of toilet paper.

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      Pack the car for winter. During the winter and fall months, the Washington coast is extremely cold and often very stormy and windy. Cabins, yurts, or inns are suggested over tent camping, as the sleeping gear needed must be specialty cold weather gear. The needed gear includes cold weather tents, sleeping bags insulated and waterproof jackets, pants and gloves, tarps, firewood and boots (for the beach). Most gear can be found at specialty outdoor recreation stores. But remember that coastal wind is very violent during the winter months, so pitch your tent in sheltered woods.

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      Bring warm clothing regardless of season. Whether you are camping in the summer or winter, the coast is cold at night. Pants, jackets, sweatshirts and hats even during July and August will be needed.

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      Bring your own wood. It is best to bring your own firewood (and fire starter) to the Ocean Shores campgrounds as you are not allowed to chop or destroy any nearby plant matter. A few fagots of wood would suffice for a 3 to 4 day trip; increase the amount according to the length of your stay.

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      Plan meals. Gourmet and camping do not generally mix well, but you do not have to be slave to canned beans for a week. Fill one large cooler with ice packs for perishables and another cooler with dried goods (it is best to keep all foods in locking containers to ward off meddlesome wildlife critters). Include a loaf of bread, slices of cheese, cut meats, hot dogs, canned foods (don't forget the can-opener), packaged food like crackers and granola, or pre-made one pot dishes such as chili -- remember, the simpler the better. If you're cooking, pack the essential cooking tools: pot and spoon.

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