How to Find Non-Stop Flights

Non-stop flights offer many conveniences for travelers over flights with multi-leg itineraries. Flights that go directly from point "A" to point "B" save travelers hours in travel time. Because the airplane uses less fuel making one direct trip instead of two or more indirect flights, non-stop flights are also more environmentally friendly and conservation-minded. Airlines don't always make it easy for travelers to quickly locate and book non-stop airfare, but finding non-stop flights is still a straightforward task.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet-enabled PC
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    • 1

      Search the flights on a travel search engine. Many travel search engines such as,, and allow users to check off a "prefer non-stop" option in their initial searches, so that search results include only non-stop flight options. Other popular travel search engines such as and allow users to specify non-stop flights after the initial search but prior to booking. This approach has the added benefit of allowing travelers to compare the itineraries and prices of many different airlines at once in order to get the best deal.

    • 2

      Search the website of an individual airline. Some airlines such as US Airways have websites that allow travelers to specify that they prefer non-stop flights prior to the initial search. The websites of other airlines such as American Airlines and United Airlines allow users to search for non-stop flights initially as well, but the user can only see those options if he clicks through to the "Advanced Search" options. Other airlines, such as JetBlue, have sites that allow users to specify non-stop flights during, but not prior to the search process.

    • 3

      Find a non-stop flight over the phone. Call the reservation number of the airline of your choice. When speaking to a reservation agent, specify that you are only interested in non-stop flights. The agent will be able to locate all non-stop itineraries within your desired travel dates for you.

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