Problems With Air Travel

Traveling in a plane is very common these days. It is not as expensive as it used to be and one can cover hundreds or thousands of miles in a matter of few hours. Although it makes life simpler, it also causes some health hazards. Especially when you have a long flight, carry your medicines and drink lots of water before the flight to reduce the chances of dehydration.
  1. Ear Blockage and Pain

    • Ear pain is one of the most common problems people face while traveling in a plane. About one-third of people complain of ear blockage after a flight which occurs due to change in pressure during landing and take off. Traveling when you have cold could cause some serious damage to your ears. Therefore, you should avoid flights when you can't clear your ears.

      In order to save your ears from the torture, you can try chewing gum or cover your ears with ear plugs. Swallowing to open the Eustachian tube that has been blocked or yawning also helps.

    Jet Lag

    • Jet lag causes insomnia, anxiety, nausea, headaches and even memory loss. When you travel across different time zones, you body is unable to adjust immediately and struggles to cope up with the new schedule. Generally, it takes a day to get over the jet lag and adjust to a new time zone. People who rest sufficiently before the flight suffer less than those who do not. To prevent or reduce the effects of jet lag, drink lots of water and exercise when airborne. Change the time on your watch just as you reach the destination and adapt to the local schedule as soon as possible to help your body adjust.


    • Deep Vein Thrombosis occurs due to inactivity during the flight. The travelers get blood clots in their legs after long flights. Due to no movement in the body, blood flow reduces in the lower leg and clots are formed. A clot may get big enough to block a vein and there might not be any symptoms for a few days. DVT begins with severe pain in the calf area which gets worse with time. Swelling of the area and color changing to bluish red is an indication that you need to see the doctor. One can prevent it by wearing loose and comfortable clothes when flying. Flexing your muscles every 30 minutes, drinking water and wearing support stockings help as well.

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