How to Travel With Arthritis

For the 40 million people in the United States with arthritis, traveling can be a painful experience. Even the simple act of sitting in a car or airplane can become unbearable. Many people with arthritis avoid travel and miss out on business opportunities, vacations and visits with family and friends. With a little research, nearly any arthritis sufferer can avoid painful situations when traveling. Read on for some tips and strategies.

Things You'll Need

  • Supply of medications
  • Wheeled luggage
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  1. How to Travel With Arthritis

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      Try to find a hotel that is close to your destination, which will eliminate long walks. Or find hotels that offer free shuttle service to guests. Hotels that offer workout facilities or a pool can provide some physical activity to reduce stiffness and swelling.

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      When traveling by air, there are several ways to avoid painful situations. One of the best strategies is to book your travel in several short segments. This will reduce the amount of time you are locked into a small, cramped space. During layovers or plane changes, get out and stretch your arms and legs. Another option is to request an aisle seat or an upgrade to first class. Explain your situation to the ticketing agent when booking your flight and ask that the airline offer some accommodation. When checking in for your flight, inquire about the distance to your gate. For long distances, ask the ticket agent about a wheelchair or other ground transportation.

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      To allow for unrestricted transportation, renting a car is often the best option. With a little advance notice, most rental car agencies will provide hand controls for people with arthritis. Another strategy is to ask for a vehicle that is not low to the ground or has larger door access.

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