How to Be Comfortable on a Long Airplane Trip

A long airplane trip can be taxing on your mind and your body. Being prepared and knowing how to maximize your comfort level can greatly increase the chances of a nice, relaxing flight, even if you're traveling for reasons other than pleasure. From the earliest trip planning stages to the in-air hours, there are a number of things you can do to be comfortable.

Things You'll Need

  • Book and other diversions
  • Appropriate clothing
  • Pillow
  • Plane ticket


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      Get your tickets well in advance. Not only will this save you money, which may give you some comfort, but you can ask for the least cramped seats in your price class. Choose the seat you like the best, whether it's the window or the aisle, to make your flight more enjoyable. You can even research the kind of plane you'll be flying on and identitfy which rows have the most leg room (usually bulkhead and emergency exit) and which the least.

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      Sleep might be the best way to pass a long flight, but many people have difficulty sleeping on planes. Getting a good night's sleep, or taking a nap before your flight if you leave later in the day, can help you be more comfortable, not to mention less irritable.

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      Eat light before the flight and take a small meal with you. You don't know what will be served on the flight and having heavy food in your stomach can cause you a lot of discomfort, especially at high altitudes.

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      Take plenty of things to do while on a long airplane trip. Bring along items and activities that you enjoy to take your mind off the clock and the mind-numbing conversation from the professional ant-farmer sitting next to you. A good book, crosswords and travel games are all good choices.

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      Get up and move around. Sitting in one place for a very long time is uncomfortable and can actually cause injury to your body. When it is safe to "move freely about the cabin," you should do so from time to time to give your muscles and joints a chance to stretch.

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