How to Book Travel on Europe Airpost

Europe Airpost is the airline responsible for mail delivery in France. Based in Paris, the airline offers charter flights as well as scheduled flights during the day. Travelers and companies needing transport of passengers, transport of freight, leasing of planes, ACMI, charter services, assistance on the ground, assistance in stopover, maintenance, or other services can contact Europe Airpost. Travelers interested in daytime scheduled flights can also book travel on this carrier.

Things You'll Need

  • Telephone with international dialing capability.
  • Computer with Internet access.


  1. Book Your Tickets for Travel on Europe Airpost

    • 1

      Visit the company's Web site (see Resources below). Click on the British flag on the right side of the screen to access the English version of the site. Know, however, that access to the English-speaking version of the site may be unreliable, as it is sometimes closed for further construction.

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      Document the dates and times during which you wish to travel on Europe Airpost. Also note the services you require and any questions that you might have. This will facilitate the process when you go to book your tickets.

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      Consider booking tickets through a travel agent. Europe Airpost has English-speaking staff, but many speak French as a first language, so it may be easier to book through a reputable travel agent.

    Know Your Airline: Europe Airpost

    • 4

      Get some background information. Europe Airpost began operations in 1991. First known as Intercargo Service, the company is now owned outright by Groupe La Poste.

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      Understand the dual nature of the airline's services. Europe Airpost is best known for delivering mail and cargo for the French service. Many travelers do not realize that the airline only does this at night, offering charter services and scheduled flights during the daytime.

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      Arm yourself with information about the planes available for travel on Europe Airpost. The Europe Airpost fleet currently boasts 25 aircraft, including 3 Airbus A300B4s, 4 ATR 72-200s, and 14 Boeing 737-300s.

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      Know where you can travel with Europe Airpost. Europe Airpost travels to Brest, Paris, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Montpelier, Nice, Marseille and Toulouse via scheduled flights.

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      Understand that the airline is headquartered at Paris's Charles de Gaulle International Airport.

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