How to Make an Emergency Landing

"This is niner, twelve, niner to tower. The pilot's unconscious, and the
copilot is dead. How do I land this plane?!" Hey, it could happen.
Would you know what to do to land a commercial airliner? Just
remember, it's only the lives of yourself, the passengers and crew
and those people on the ground that are at risk.


    • 1

      Remain calm. Don't do anything for a few seconds to get your bearings. As long as the plane is in steady flight, everything is OK for the time being.

    • 2

      Put your hands on the control yoke (the stick), right in front of you. It's simple--pull back to ascend, push forward to descend. Ascending sounds safe, but if you do so too aggressively, the engine will stall, a technical flying term that means "die." Keep the stick centered.

    • 3

      Locate the attitude indicator (usually on the console in front of you), which shows an image of a plane relative to a straight line (an artificial horizon). Nudge the yoke until the plane is level.

    • 4

      Locate the airspeed indicator, also in front of you. You must maintain airspeed in order to remain flying. Place a hand on the throttles, the largest levers in the center console. If the airspeed is dropping, nudge the levels forward for more power. Increase power until speed is stable in level flight.

    • 5

      Put on the radio headset, which will already be tuned to an active frequency. If the frequency dial is obvious, switch to 121.5 megahertz, the emergency frequency. The transmit button is on the yoke. Don't worry about radio protocol; just state your situation.

    • 6

      Wait for a reply and then follow instructions. The air controller may ask you to switch radio frequencies.

    • 7

      Look at the compass in front of you. You will be given a course to follow, for example, "Turn left (using the yoke) until the compass reads 175 degrees." Expect several course changes to line you up with an airfield.

    • 8

      Deploy the landing gear. Get confirmation from the ground that it's in place.

    • 9

      Decrease airspeed to the minimum instructed by ground control.

    • 10

      Extend the flaps fully once you're lined up with the landing strip.

    • 11

      Use the yoke to maintain a level or slightly nose-up position, and allow the plane to settle onto the ground. Don't aim down into the ground. Hang on tight when you touch down.

    • 12

      Apply the brakes fully once all wheels are down. Wait until the plane comes to a full and complete stop.

    • 13

      Get a drink. Then read 409 Rent a Car in the United States.

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