How to Survive an Emergency Water Landing

With the number of flights offered today it's impossible to keep from flying over water. If something goes wrong while over the water the pilot may be forced to make an emergency water landing. Should this happen you must be prepared-it might save your life.


    • 1

      Pay attention to the pre-flight briefing and read the safety card. In the event of an emergency, the flight staff may not have time to give you any more instructions. So listen to what they say and envision a game plan should you have an emergency landing.

    • 2

      Find the exit closest to you and realize that it may not be the one you came through when you entered the plane. Count the seats between you and the exit and know your route well enough so you could exit with your eyes closed.

    • 3

      Locate your life preserver and know how to use it. This is covered in the pre-flight briefing and in the safety card but if you have any questions, ask your flight attendant.

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      Wear your seat belt at all times. Don't unbuckle it until the plane has come to a complete stop and you are ready to exit. Stay calm and remember your closest exit is in the same place even if the plane is upside down.

    • 5

      Hold onto a fixed part of the plane-like the seats-once you release your seat belt. Drag yourself hand over hand to the nearest exit and never let go. This will keep you from floating in the water and being disoriented.

    • 6

      Exit the plane by pushing yourself out and don't let go until you're all the way out. Don't kick immediately since you could get tangled in the debris.

    • 7

      Follow the bubbles to the surface if you get disoriented. As you rise to the surface, exhale slowly.

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