How to Survive an Emergency Landing

Flying has become a way of life in our culture and it isn't any more dangerous than driving a car. But things can go wrong and pilots are sometimes forced to make emergency landings. It's important for you to know what to do to survive these situations.


    • 1

      Listen to the pre-flight briefing and read the safety card even if you fly a lot. Planes come in different sizes and the emergency procedures are different on each. Be prepared by visualizing how you will react during an emergency landing.

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      Look at the exits and determine which is closest to you. Remember it may not be the one you used to enter the plane. Count the number of seats between you and the exit so if you can't see the exit you'll still know where to go.

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      Keep your seat belt fastened whenever you're sitting down. Patches of turbulence can cause a plane to drop significantly and if you're not wearing your seat belt you'll be thrown from your seat. This can cause serious injury or even death.

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      Use the oxygen mask when it falls even if it doesn't fully inflate. Always apply your mask first then help others. If there's a decompression you'll lose oxygen quickly so you could lose consciousness if you try to apply someone else's mask first.

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      Brace yourself for landing using the bracing position. Put your seat belt on and lean forward until you're touching either your legs or the seat in front of you. Stow everything that can move-including eyeglasses-because these can become projectiles during an emergency landing.

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      Exit immediately on impact but look out the window first. If there is fire outside the door or some other obstruction, you'll need to find another exit.

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      Cover your mouth with a wet piece of cloth if the plane's on fire. Stay low under the smoke and get to an exit fast. The smoke will fill the cabin quickly and smoke inhalation is deadly.

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