How to Survive a Blizzard in a Car

If you live in a snowy areas or are planning a visit, then there are chances you may be stuck in your car during a blizzard. You may need to know how to survive a blizzard in your car. Besides keeping a supply of food and water in your car, you should also read these steps for survival.


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      Pull over and stop the car. Do not attempt to drive in a blizzard because you can crash into another car, a pole, a building or even a person.

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      Stay in your car. Never attempt to walk to find safety because you can get lost in a blizzard and freeze to death. Of course, get out and walk if you see a building directly in front of you.

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      Start your car for brief periods to provide heat. Do not leave your car running continuously because you don't know how long you will be there and you don't want to run out of gas.

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      Leave a window cracked. If you keep the car completely sealed up with it running, you may get carbon monoxide poisoning.

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      Check your exhaust pipe occasionally to make sure it is free of snow. If it becomes clogged with snow and your car is running, you risk getting carbon monoxide poisoning.

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      Keep your dome light on for light so that people can see you at night. There may be people out looking for survivors. You may also be found by policemen or firefighters.

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      Exercise to keep your blood flowing. Clap your hands, stretch your legs or tap your feet to keep the blood circulating while your ride out the blizzard in the safety of your parked car.

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