How to Recover Lost Luggage

It's a traveler's worst nightmare. You arrive at your destination after a long flight and are ready to enjoy your vacation when you realize that your luggage is nowhere to be found. Don't worry, airlines have procedures in place to handle the recovery of lost luggage.


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      Stay calm. If you do not see your luggage in the baggage carousel, don't panic. Most of the time, the luggage is not completely lost. Its arrival may just be delayed.

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      File a report. Airlines have agents that handle baggage problems and claims. Make your way to the airline's office to report that your luggage has not arrived.

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      Wait. You will have to wait up to 3 or more days to see if the baggage has been recovered. The airline will contact you when it has been found and arrange for you to pick it up.

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      Ask about reimbursement policies. Airlines normally cover the purchase of necessities to get you by until your luggage is recovered. Ask for their guidelines regarding acceptable purchases.

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      File a lost luggage claim. If the bags do not appear within several days, file a claim requesting reimbursement for the cost of the items in the luggage. The claim will have to include your original report, ticket receipt and any receipts that are relevant to the claim.

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      Receive reimbursement. If the luggage can not be recovered, the airline will send you a check that covers the cost of the items in the baggage.

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