How to Mark Luggage When Flying

Finding your luggage on arrival at an airport can be a stressful way to end a journey. Baggage reclaim areas can be noisy and crowded as passengers jostle for position near luggage carousels. Numerous bags and suitcases that look similar add to the general confusion. Marking your luggage clearly can help you spot your belongings through the crowds, while labeling baggage with detailed contact information will help you recover items if they should go astray.


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      Place identification labels inside and outside of your baggage. Try to use the tags provided by the airline you are flying with. On both labels mark your name, address, country, home and cell phone numbers and an email address. Provide a fax number if you have one. Also include details of the airline, flight number and time and date of travel on the label inside your baggage.

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      Travel with clearly identifiable luggage. Brightly colored bags or luggage designed differently from the average will stand out when you reclaim your baggage. If you have dark luggage that will be similar to that of many other travelers, customize your bags by painting steel parts of luggage such as zippers in bright colors.

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      Tie colorful ribbons or material around the handles of your luggage. You can find items to use at home. Patterned hair bands or even old neckties with a stand-out design will help identify your luggage on a carousel.

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      Use colored tape to mark out your bag from other luggage. Colored tape wrapped around your luggage will help you spot it at baggage reclaim and may also help make your bag more secure.

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      Buy specifically designed products such as luggage huggers to assist in spotting your luggage. Luggage huggers are strong bands of stretch fabric that you can pull over your luggage, making it stand out while looking stylish. You can choose from a range of fabrics to get the look that you want.

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