Luggage Restrictions When Flying

Knowing airlines luggage restrictions when packing can save time and frustration at the airport and makes for a smoother trip. Luggage restrictions and guidelines can vary by airline, so be sure to check individual airlines for specific restrictions.

  1. Carry-On Bag Size

    • Many airlines restrict the size of carry-on bags to 45 linear inches. This means that the the bag's length, plus its width, plus its height may not exceed 45 inches.

    Small Carriers

    • Airlines with small planes are very particular about their luggage rules and often limit passengers to a maximum 20 lbs. of luggage.

    Number of Carry-Ons

    • According to Luggage Pros, the FAA limits passengers to one carry-on bag and one personal item. Personal items are things like purses, backpacks and briefcases.

    Excess Checked Luggage

    • It is not uncommon for airlines to limit the number of checked bags allowed. Extra bags are often transported only when and if there is space available, meaning that extra bags may not be on the same flight as you.


    • It is common for airlines to restrict the weight of checked luggage to 50 lbs. Heavier bags might be accepted for a fee.

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