Iberia Airlines Restrictions

Headquartered in Spain, Iberia Airlines maintains an alliance with Oneworld, allowing the company to transport passengers to over 39 countries around the globe. It has specific regulations about baggage and pets, and these regulations are straightforward and easy to follow.
  1. Check-in Luggage

    • With the exception of Africa-bound flights, you may check in as many bags as you wish. On Africa-bound flights you may have up to three pieces of luggage for Business Class, and up to two for Economy Class. Each bag may weigh up to 40 kg for Business Class and up to 23 kg for Economy Class. The combined length, width and height of any piece of luggage may not exceed 158 cm. If any piece of luggage exceeds the listed requirements, the airline charges an additional fee.

    Carry-on Luggage

    • On Iberia Airlines planes you may carry on one bag and one personal item such as a purse or laptop case. These items must be able to fit underneath your seat or in the overhead area. Carry-on bags must not weigh more than 23 kg; their combined length, width and height must not exceed 158 cm.


    • Iberia Airlines requires that you have a certificate from your veterinarian that certifies that your pet is safe to travel, vaccinated and free from disease. If you are travelling internationally, you will also need an import certificate. Iberia Airlines allows you to stow smaller pets--small dogs, cats, and some birds--in a carrier that will fit underneath your seat. For longer flights, your pet will be placed in a pressurized and temperature-controlled section of the cargo compartment.

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