How to Charter a Bus

Chartering a bus is a very good way to take a large group of people to the same location. Tour groups generally charter buses so everyone can travel together. There are some considerations you must take prior to chartering a bus. The following steps will help you if you decide to charter a bus.


    • 1

      Contact charter bus companies in your area and explain to them the nature of your trip (number of travelers, destination, length of trip). Ask other people who have traveled by bus before, which company they like best and why. Word of mouth is often times the best advertiser.

    • 2

      Receive a price quote from each company you contact, based on the information you provide them. Write these quotes down in a notebook, along with any other valuable or important information the bus company gives you. Prices will vary based on the amount of people traveling and the length of your trip.

    • 3

      Discuss the price quotes with the members of your travel group and decide, as a whole, which charter service the group would like to use for their trip.

    • 4

      Make reservations with the charter bus company the group decided on. Keep the quote they gave you handy so they will not attempt to give you another price that is incorrect.

    • 5

      Take your trip! If the bus company turns out not to be as efficient as you and your group like, you will know to check them off your list when the next trip is being planned.

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