How to Get a Complimentary Upgrade on Rental Car

Receiving a complimentary rental car upgrade is a nice way to ensure that your travel is as enjoyable as possible. There are several different ways to go about receiving a complimentary rental car upgrade. Free rental car upgrades are often possible if you ask the right questions and look in the right places.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Credit Card
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  1. How to Get a Complimentary Upgrade on a Rental Car

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      Check to see if the credit card that you use most often has a program that includes complimentary rental car upgrades. By using the card consistently, you may have accumulated enough points to be eligible for a free upgrade.

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      Book your rental cars with the same company at the same location. Many rental car companies often will give you a free upgrade if you are loyal to their company. However, it may take six or more rentals before you are eligible for a complimentary upgrade.

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      Join associations such as the American Automobile Association (AAA) or the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). These associations offer car rental discounts and special pricing for their members. When booking your rental car, make sure to mention that you belong to an association that offers discounts, often the car rental company will not ask. Make sure that the representative helping you makes a note of it in your file.

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      Some rental car companies will offer a complimentary upgrade if you book online. Always check for online specials before calling the location to book the vehicle.

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