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How to Build a RV Bumper Bike Rack

RV road trips can be enhanced by taking along bicycles to provide alternative transportation at the campsite. External bike racks are the most convenient way to carry bicycles, and there are a variety of rack designs, including hitch-mounted and bumper. Since RVs generally do not have a hitch, bumper racks are a better choice for an RV. If you have welding skills, you can easily build an RV bumper bike rack for your RV.

Things You'll Need

  • U bolts
  • Angle iron
  • Cross members
  • Vertical stability bars
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      Design a bicycle rack that fits your needs. Consider the number of bikes you want to carry and how much weight the bumper can hold. Measure the bumper and the bicycles and sketch out a simple plan. The bicycle rack plan should include wheel channels, cross members and vertical stability bars. The bumper may need some reinforcement or adjustments if it is not capable of holding the weight of the rack.

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      Weld the bicycle wheel channels from two pieces of 1-inch angle iron. By welding the two pieces of the 90-degree angle iron together, you will form a U-shape channel to hold the bicycle tires. The wheel channel or channels should be mounted parallel to the RV bumper. You may have one or two wheel channels depending on the number of bicycles that you intend to carry. Weld the wheel channels together using two or three cross members. Ensure that the cross members can sufficiently support the weight of the wheel channels and the bikes. Two vertical stability bars should be welded to the wheel channels and/or cross members in a position that allows you to strap the bicycles on securely.

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      Attach the constructed bicycle rack to the bumper of your RV using two U-bolts. Using U-bolts will allow you to remove the bicycle rack as it is not permanently attached.

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