Subway Entrance Responsibilities

Swarms of people bustle around you as you attempt to enter the subway system. They've got to catch their train, just as you've got to catch yours, but that's of little comfort after you've just been jostled out of the turnstile for the fourth time in a row. When entering the subway, there are rules of conduct that everyone should follow to make the public transport system an easy way to get where you need to go.
  1. Pay for Your Trip

    • Each subway entrance has a passageway where you must stop to pay for your trip. Whether you're using cash, tokens or a MetroCard, payment must be inserted into the turnstiles before you can proceed. Under no circumstances should you jump the turnstile, even if the turnstile denied your tokens or card through no fault of your own.

    Know Where You're Going

    • Maps are not always readily available, so know where you're going before you enter the subway.

      Carry a map of the subway routes with you if you are unsure of how to get to your destination. If you waver indecisively in the entrance, you will block other would-be passengers from getting to their stop in time. Lingering around the posted map routes will also place you in others' way---and more importantly, your hesitation could cost you a timely ride.

    Enter the Train

    • There is limited time to board a subway train.

      Wait until the train is fully stopped and the doors are open before trying to step on. Once the train has stopped, the doors will remain open for only a short period of time. You must be entirely on board by the time the doors begin to close. There may be many others waiting to board that particular train, so be sure to get on as quickly as you can.

    Stay in Public Sections

    • Stay off tracks and out of tunnels.

      Under no circumstances are you allowed to enter the train tunnels or step on the tracks. Stay in lit public areas meant for transit-takers.

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