How to Travel to Kenai Fjords, Alaska

The Kenai Fjords National Park consists of glaciers, ice worms, bears and whales, which are constantly impacted by earthquakes and ocean storms. Exit Glacier is the only part of the park that is accessible by road, while the rest of the park may be reached via water transportation. Kayaking is an option as is embarking on a boat tour. The park is located less than 30 minutes from Seward, Alaska, although roads are impassable to vehicles for much of the year.


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      Proceed to the city of Seward, Alaska. Options include driving on the Seward Highway, taking the Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage mid-May to mid-September or riding a bus. Those traveling from Anchorage may travel via Seward Bus Lines, which has service throughout the year, while limited service is available from Denali and Anchorage through Alaska Park Connection and from Homer by traveling on Homer Stage Lines.

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      Upon arrival in Seward, one option is to travel to the Exit Glacier, the only part of Kenai Fjords National Park that is accessible by road. Vehicles may be utilized to reach the glacier during pleasant weather, but when snow is on the ground (usually October through mid-May), other means of transportation are necessary. These include using snowmobiles, dogsleds or reaching the destination via hiking or cross-country skiing.

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      The only other means of transportation to Kenai Fjords National Park are glacier cruises or by kayak. Boat tours are more available in the summer months, and advance reservations are recommended. Kayakers may paddle directly from Seward or travel to a closer location by water taxi, charter boat or flying prior to kayaking to the park.

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