How to Mail Candy Bars Overseas

The world today is much smaller than it once was. You can pick up a phone and call the other side of the world for pennies a minute. Live television news feeds keep you up to date with what's happening around the globe. You can also send friends and family overseas their favorite American candy bars. It's not hard to do--it just takes a little forethought.

Things You'll Need

  • Candy bars
  • Box and packing supplies
  • Customs form
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    • 1

      Think about where you're sending the candy bar. Is it a hot climate? Remember that your candy bar will spend at least a day or two in transit and may melt if it's going anywhere warm.

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      Put each candy bar in a separate zip-top plastic bag, then wrap with bubble wrap to help insulate the chocolate.

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      Go to the post office and select the shortest shipping method you can afford. The U.S. Postal Service's (USPS) Priority Mail International is a good mid-price choice, but other shippers offer equally good options.

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      Fill out a green customs form with your receiver's address. Check the "Gift" box and write "Candy" in the "Quantity and Detailed Description of Contents" box.

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      Give the package to the person behind the counter and pay the postage.

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