How to Sing Campfire Songs

Sing campfire songs to entertain and bond with your party - and keep skittish wild animals away to boot.

Things You'll Need

  • Acoustic Guitars
  • Lyric Books
  • Harmonicas


    • 1

      Compile a list of campfire songs that are easy to sing. Your list should include a wide variety of songs, including slow songs, silly songs, loud songs, rounds, ballads and hymns.

    • 2

      Build a large campfire and have your group form a circle around it. Take care that no one sits too close to the fire.

    • 3

      Choose a song leader to pick which songs will be sung and when. Ideally, this leader will be the person with the guitar.

    • 4

      Begin the session with slow yet lighthearted warm-up songs like "If You're Happy and You Know It."

    • 5

      Build energy with songs sung in the round, such as "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Frere Jacques."

    • 6

      Move on to more energetic and silly songs like "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" and "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt."

    • 7

      Move on to slower and more meaningful songs like "This Land Is Your Land" and "Puff, the Magic Dragon" as the fire begins to fade.

    • 8

      Sing slow hymns or reflective songs like "Kum Ba Yah" and "The Ballad of Tom Dooley" as the fire fades to embers.

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