How to Build a Campfire

Man's oldest foe can be tamed. What once only caused forest fires can now bring light, warmth and hot beans.

Things You'll Need

  • Camp-stove Fuels
  • Camping Stoves
  • Lighter Or Matches
  • Hatchets & Axes


    • 1

      Situate your fire at least 10 feet away from tents, trees, roots and other flammable items if there's no fire ring available. Clear a space 24 to 32 inches across.

    • 2

      Don't make a ring of rocks if one isn't already there, and don't build against a boulder or other rocks. This will needlessly char the rocks without adding any significant containment to the fire.

    • 3

      Gather firewood and kindling if necessary, using only fallen branches. Note that many parks and wilderness areas even forbid gathering fallen material, which plays an important role in the ecosystem.

    • 4

      Build a small, loose pile of kindling, making sure to allow space for air to feed the fire. Include paper scraps, dry plant matter and other small, flammable items.

    • 5

      Construct a pyramid of dry twigs and small sticks around and above the kindling pile.

    • 6

      Light the kindling with a match.

    • 7

      Add increasingly larger sticks and then logs as the fire grows in strength, always leaving enough space between them for the fire to breathe.

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