How to Find the Best Pubs in London

A good British pub is something that should not be missed by anyone who wants to enjoy the true London experience. Follow these steps to find the best pubs in England's most famous city.


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      Decide whether you want food as well as beer. Traditional English fish and chips are a must-have in a London pub. You'll find them quite different from any fish and chips you can buy in North America. Also, try steak and kidney pie, and Ploughman's lunch (cheese, pickles and bread). Many pubs provide a great "Ploughman's," and it is well worth sampling.

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      Use books like the good British Pub Guide to help you find the pubs you would like to visit.

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      Avoid pubs on the main streets in London. They are more likely to be chains.

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      Look for older-looking pubs. They will provide the best beers.

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      See the names of real ales on the signs in front of the establishment. They will always advertise their best brew. Ask whoever is serving behind the bar for advice on a good beer. They are usually only too pleased to help.

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      Observe signs for beer gardens. You can usually take children into the garden outside the building.

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