How to Order Lunch in Spanish

When in Spain, eat as the Spaniards eat. Linger over lunch, enjoying your food with wine or beer. The typical midday meal has multiple courses such as appetizers, fish or meat entrees, dessert, fruit and cheese. Try a variety of Spanish dishes, and you'll never go back to peanut butter and jelly. Here's how to order lunch in Spanish.

Things You'll Need

  • Spanish dictionary
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      Before you go--or on the plane--get familiar with Spanish food specialties: paella (seafood-based stew); gazpacho (chilled tomato-based soup); tortilla española (potato omelet); and others. Each restaurant prepares these dishes differently, but you'll know the basic ingredients and whether you want to try them.

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      At a restaurant, look around at other tables. If you see something that looks wonderful, ask what it is ("¿Qué es que?"). If you want to order it, say: I'd like that, please ("Me gustaría que, por favor").

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      If you don't feel like navigating the whole menu, ask about the special of the day ("¿Cuál es el menú del día?"). It's a set-price meal that often includes a starter and an entree or two, a dessert and a drink. You get a good sampling of local foods for a reasonable price.

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      If you feel adventuresome, go to a tapas bar and sample the wide-ranging small portions of food. You'll find hot and cold dishes including squid ("calamar"), meatballs ("albóndigas"), shrimp ("camarón") and much more--many batter-fried or covered in scrumptious sauces.

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