How to Work With Tour Companies Internationally

Working with international tour companies can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Whether it is working in the tour company's headquarters organizing and planning the trip, or leading the tour group abroad, international tour companies provide a wealth of employment opportunities.


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      Study languages that are most useful to the position you want. Want to lead tours in Italy? Learn Italian. Does your company have a large international clientele? Learning French, German and Russian may be useful. The more languages you speak, the easier it will be to find a job.

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      Travel. If you are seeking work with a tour company, having traveled is essential. It is best if you have traveled to some of the places they travel.

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      Try to get experience leading tours. Leading tours of your hometown can be a good stepping stone to leading more substantial tours.

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      Don't expect getting a job with an international tour company to be quick or easy. Keep in mind that languages are a huge asset, and many Europeans are raised speaking three or more. Additionally, remember that competition is steep. Persistence and preparation are key to finding a job with an international tour company.

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