How to Prepare for Airplane Emergencies

Flying is the quickest and easiest way for people to travel, but it is important to know how to handle yourself in an airplane emergency. There are many simple steps you can take to help put the odds in your favor of surviving an airplane crash. Read on to learn how to prepare for airplane emergencies.


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      Count the number of rows in front of you and behind you to get to the emergency exit when you enter the plane. If the plane fills with smoke you may not be able to see the emergency exit, but you will still be able to find it. Also, make sure your seat belt is on and secure.

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      Pay close attention when the flight attendants go over all the emergency and safety information. You may be on a different type of plane than your last flight, and some of the information may be different.

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      Wear cotton or wool clothing when you fly. Do not wear anything that can melt to your skin, such as nylon or polyester, in case of a fire. Women should not wear nylon hose since they can melt from friction.

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      Know how to open all the emergency doors and windows. You may have to do so if the flight attendant is hurt.

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      Look outside during take off and landing so you can see what the conditions are like. You may need to know what the weather or terrain is like in a particular area.

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      Know where the life jackets are if you are flying over a body of water. You do not want to have to search for them when you are panicked. You will also need to know how to release them from their storage location.

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      Know how to brace yourself in case of impact. The correct way is to bend over and grab your knees or ankles making sure to keep your head down. This will help prevent injury so you can escape the plane.

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