How to Prevent Leeches

Leeches are slug-like blood-sucking parasites that live in swamps, streams and the shallow areas of lakes. While leeches will feed on humans, they prefer fish, reptiles, ducks and other animals. Leech bites don't hurt and they aren't usually dangerous, although the punctures sometimes develop secondary infections. However, many people find leeches repulsive and frightening. If you're spending time in an area that has leeches, taking precautions will reduce the risk of getting bitten by them.


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      Apply insect repellent containing DEET according to the instructions found on the product's label.

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      Tuck your pants into your boots; leaving skin exposed invites leech bites.

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      Wear leech socks over your pants as they help prevent leech bites. Light-colored socks also help you spot leeches quickly, before they begin to feed.

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      Avoid shallow areas of lakes and rivers. If you're in wet or swampy areas, watch out for leeches attached to the undersides of leaves.

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      Check your legs and ankles for leeches on a frequent basis. Even if you follow protective measures, you may still experience leech bites.

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