How to Prevent Motion Sickness in Children

Motion sickness is caused when the motion-sensing parts of the body like the ears and eyes send conflicting signals to the brain. When children are riding in a car for example, their eyes see the trees moving on the side of the road, but their inner ear tells the brain that the child is sitting still. These mixed messages can make for a very unpleasant ride. The best thing to do is stop whatever is causing the motion, but this is not always possible especially if you are on an airplane or a long road trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Towels or curtains to cover windows
  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Cool rag
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      Encourage your child to look in the direction they are traveling. For example, in a car they should look out the front windshield and not the side windows. Sitting in the middle of the back seat is helpful.

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      Be still. Children should already be strapped down in a car for safety reasons. If on an airplane or boat, they should find a place to sit or lay down quietly.

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      Eat a light snack like crackers. A small amount of food in the stomach is best as overeating and hunger pains can contribute to nausea. Bad odors (such as that of diesel fuel) can contribute to motion sickness.

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      Distract the child from their symptoms by listening to a song on the radio, singing or talking. Coloring or reading, however, can cause motion sickness and should be avoided.

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      Put a towel or curtain over the side window to block items that are moving past the window.

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      Place a cool cloth on the child's forehead and encourage him to close his eyes and lay his head back.

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      Contact your pediatrician about medicines that are available and appropriate for your child that help control motion sickness.

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