How to Plan a Vacation to Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park is America's oldest national park. The park was established in 1872 and covers parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. The park is full of several trails, geysers, hot springs and wildlife. "Old Faithful" a geyser in Yellowstone is a tourist destination within the park because it goes off, or spouts water high into the air at the same time every day. Visitors can camp in the park in a couple of camp sites.


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      Decide on the time of year to visit Yellowstone. This will be dependent on your family's schedule and the weather at Yellowstone.Yellowstone weather varies within the park because of different elevations, but in general the park is cold and snow covered in the winter and larger crowds visit during the summer. Spring and Fall are both chilly, with smaller crowds.

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      Determine how many days to stay at the park. The more days you stay, the more activities you will be able to do.

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      Book transportation to Yellowstone. If flying, Yellowstone Regional Airport is located near the park. If possible, plan on driving because of the needed camping gear. Rent a car or tune up your car for a long trip. Decide on an access point to the park. The park has five entrances located on all four sides of the park.

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      Make a list of desired camping sites within the park. The park offers 12 camping locations but is "first come, first served" at seven sites so having a back up camp site is important. Animals that pose a danger to humans like bears live in the park so pack secure camping equipment and make sure to include air-tight containers for food. Some campsites are better for hiking while others are located closer to the geyers, speak to fellow travelers about individual camping preferences.

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      Pack clothing that's appropriate for different seasons. Even in the summer, parts of the park become chilly. Pack clothing to wear in layers to take off and on as the temperature in the park changes. Also pack printed maps and lists of things to do in the park.

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