How to Create a Vacation Backup Plan

If you have potential budget limitations or potential adverse weather conditions that prevent you from going on the vacation you've planned for, it doesn't mean you have to be left miserable. Having a backup vacation planned is a good way to prevent you from taking vacation time from work for nothing.


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      Warn your travel agent. If you are worried that your vacation plans may go awry, talk to your travel agent about potential changes in plans. Ask about cancellation fees for your accommodations or refunds for airline-cancelled flights. Know exactly what repercussions there might be if your vacation doesn't work out.

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      Choose a location. Decide whether you want to stay locally or if you're still interested in going near where you have planned your vacation.

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      Determine your method of travel. If you are still interested in flying on your own continent keep that option open. However, if you are up for driving or going on a train, consider this as well.

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      Have potential accommodations on speed dial. Don't make reservations for a place you have no intention of staying unless your vacation plans fall flat. Having a list of backup places to stay that are likely to have vacancies will keep you from the extra headache of looking for something that may turn your backup vacation into a nightmare.

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      Research your backup vacation site. Look into what local attractions are around where you might end up, so you can get excited about what things you can do in lieu of your planned vacation. Use the Internet and local reviews to find restaurants and attractions.

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      Prepare for the worst. Don't fixate on your vacation going badly, but be sure you have things in place for the "just in case." Have the number for a car rental place available, and be sure to have the right type of clothing with you. You will have most of what you need already, but be sure to keep the backup information with you as well as anything you might need, like a tour guide of your backup vacation spot, and a loose itinerary.

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