How to Inflate a Giant Beachball

Beach balls come in all sizes, from the traditional shape for playing volleyball to a much larger size, around the same size as a human body. When we're talking about a giant beach ball though, we usually mean on that's several times larger than the regular size and not one of the huge ones. The best way to inflate one of these balls is by using an air hose with a nozzle.

Things You'll Need

  • Beach ball
  • Air hose
  • Soap
  • Water
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      Locate an air hose or a facility with an air hose. Some might want to use the air compressor in their garage, while others prefer using one at the gas station.

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      Turn the beach ball over until you find the air spout. Flip the edge of the air spout so that it opens and give it a tug until it comes out of the ball. This spout is where you need to place the air hose nozzle.

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      Clean the air spout with hot water and soap, especially if you're using a brand new beach ball.

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      Place the end of the air hose into the spout and turn on the machine. Keep you eye on the beach ball, watching as it slowly inflates with air. You can tell when the ball is full by the feel of the ball. You may also notice that the air is slowly coming back out of the ball, which means it's done.

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      Remove the nozzle of the air hose once the ball's completely inflated. Keep your hand on the spout of the beach ball as you turn down the top. Close off the beach ball by pushing the lid of the spout back in place. Give it a few bounces to make sure it's fully inflated.

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