How to Make Holiday Travel Arrangements for Pets

So many people consider their pets to be an integral part of their family that the thought of traveling during the holidays without them is stressful. Deciding to take a pet along for the ride, presents many challenges if you want your trip to be pleasant and incident-free.


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      Visit the vet. Getting a clean bill of health for your pet before traveling is not only wise, it's required if you're traveling by airplane. You'll need to present a health certificate that's dated within 10 days of travel to airline and state officials before being allowed to board a plane. Remember that a lot of people travel with their pets during the holidays, so set up your vet appointment well in advance.

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      Identify your pet. Never leave home without purchasing collar ID tags that include the pet's name, your name and a phone number. In addition, type up a description of your pet on a card and attach a recent color photo in case your pet gets lost. Place the card and photo in an envelope that also carries any licenses and vaccination papers. Having everything in one place will save time during the harried holiday season.

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      Carve out space in the family vehicle for your pet. Traveling during the holidays by car usually involves loading up your vehicle with extra baggage, gifts and food. Making space for your pet's crate should be a priority. Choose a travel crate that has enough space for your pet to stand and turn around.

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      Ensure that there is room at the inn. If you'll be staying in a hotel, motel or inn, ask a travel agent for a list of accommodations that allow pets. Or call ahead to the places you're considering so that you're not turned away when you show up with a pet.

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      Exercise your pet before you leave. Despite the mode of travel, a well-exercised pet is usually so tired it will sleep better and for longer periods during your excursion.

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      Keep surroundings as familiar as possible. Bring along favorite toys and blankets to carry the scent of home, making your pet more at ease. Also, if you plan on using a new crate, allow at least a week for your pet to get accustomed to it.

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