How to Find Gay-friendly Activities in Boston

Boston, a city rich in culture, history and traditions, is also vibrant and modern. Considered a youthful city with a thriving gay community, Boston boasts many gay-friendly activities. Read on to learn how to find gay-friendly activities in Boston.


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      Conduct a seach on your favorite search engine for gay-friendly activities in Boston. Type keywords such as "Gay-friendly Boston". Use other keywords such as "Boston gay travel" or "Boston LGBT."

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      Click on the links that appear on the page. Look out for gay-friendly destinations in Boston.

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      Search for gay-friendly activities such as cruises, sports, dining, bars and dance parties happening around the city. Visit the links mentioned in the Resources section to find information about gay-friendly activities in Boston.

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      Find some gay-specific travel guides and information on gay-specific Web sites. Check out the Resources section for links.

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      Visit local bookstores to know more about the gay and lesbian communities. You can also search online by typing words such as "LGBT community activities."

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      Read personal blogs and Web sites of local Bostonians. These will provide you with personal opinions and views of actual residents of Boston. Ask them about your specific queries and learn more about popular hangouts in the city.

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      Once in Boston, ask the hotel concierge to provide suggestions of gay-friendly activities in Boston. Locals, especially hotel concierges, are well-informed and often have useful tips and warnings that can make your stay enjoyable as well as safe.

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