How to Find a Gay-Friendly Bed-and-Breakfast

A romantic and relaxing getaway to a bed-and-breakfast can help you revitalize your relationship or simply unwind from the stresses of life.


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      Decide if you want to stay at a place close to home or if you'd rather go farther away.

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      Discuss with your traveling companion, if you have one, whether you want to go where you find the best deal or the nicest place - or if you prefer to choose the city first, then see what's available.

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      Begin your search online at Rainbow Destinations ( It lists gay-owned and gay-friendly establishments that welcome you.

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      Take a look at's list of gay-friendly accommodations.

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      Visit and see if you can find what you're looking for. From the home page, choose "Accommodations," "Bed and Breakfast Inns" and "Guest Houses."

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      Let the folks at Out & About help you. Visit for help on your search.

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      Go to Damron Online (, the Web site for a company that publishes all sorts of gay and lesbian guidebooks. It probably sells a book that will help you, and its list of links is pretty good, too.

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      Remember to check with friends and ask them for referrals. Your friends can often give you the best advice.

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