Immunization Requirements for American Exchange Students in France

Although no immunizations are required for American exchange students entering France, several are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Other immunizations may be required by your university.
  1. Routine Vaccines

    • Vaccination

      The CDC recommends that routine immunizations, including those for influenza, chicken pox, polio, measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), and diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (DPT), are all up-to-date before traveling to France.

    Hepatitis B

    • Syringes

      Also recommended is the Hepatitis B vaccine against HBV infections, which are transmitted through contact with blood or blood-derived fluids.

    Current Warnings

    • Bon Voyage

      Other immunizations may be recommended or required during your stay due to outbreaks or other concerns. The CDC has current notices under the Travelers' Health section of its website.

    Carte de Séjour

    • Pont Alexandre III in Paris

      When applying for your student visa, it's not necessary to supply immunization records. However, if you will be in France for the whole academic year or longer, you must apply for a Carte de Séjour, or Residency Permit. As part of the application, you'll have a medical appointment where you must provide your immunization records for the routine vaccinations listed above: influenza, chicken pox, polio, MMR, and DPT.

    In France

    • Eiffel Tower

      If there are additional immunizations you need in France due to current advisories or other reasons, you can obtain them at a Centre de Vaccination listed on the Administration Sanitaire et Sociale en France website.

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