Travel Checklists for Children

Traveling with children is easier when you pack the right items for the trip. What you pack for your child will depend, in part, on the child's age and development. There are also recommended items to take for specific modes of transportation, including airline travel.
  1. Clothing

    • A good rule of thumb for packing clothing for children is to ensure that you bring one change of clothing for each day you will be gone, plus two additional shirts. If you will be doing laundry during longer trips, bring five outfits, plus two additional shirts. Other clothing items you should pack are three pairs of pajamas, one jacket and one pair of walking shoes.


    • Toiletry items to pack for children include toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb or brush, sunblock, lip balm, bandages, Tylenol and any prescription medication. If you have young children, pack a few bath toys. If you are traveling with pre-teen or teenage girls, pack maxi-pads or tampons. For long-distance car travel, bring along travel-size toilet paper packs.

    Comfort Items

    • Staying in unknown places can be scary to children, so bringing some comfort items from home may help. Some items you may consider packing include books, favorite toys and nighttime comfort items (special blanket, doll or stuffed animal). To make long trips in the car, train or airplane easier on children, purchase a new toy or activity to give them for the trip. This can keep them more entertained for longer durations than toys they are used to.


    • If you will be traveling with an infant, you will need to pack some additional items. These include diapers or pull-ups, wipes, diaper rash ointment, bottles, formula, bottled water, baby bottle brush, infant food, dinnerware, burp cloths, bibs and plastic bags for soiled diapers. If you are breastfeeding, pack a breast pump with extra batteries, nursing pads and other breastfeeding accessories.

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