Passport Requirements for Egypt

Egypt is an ancient country that draws millions of tourists each year to view its natural wonders. Most tourists travel to Egypt during its peak season between October and May. The peak season is between winter and spring so packing the appropriate clothing and traveling gear is essential. With this all squared away, the biggest thing is to make certain that your passport adheres to all of Egypt's requirements.
  1. Passports and Visas

    • Don't leave home without it.

      When traveling to Egypt, make sure you have and maintain a valid passport throughout your stay in the country. All passport must contain a recent passport photograph (2 inch x 2 inch). Also, the passport must have a validity of 6 months remaining before entering the country. This is very important. If you decide to travel from city to city in Egypt, police personnel perform security checks, and part of that procedure involves checking for passports and visas. After arriving in the Egyptian airport, visas will be available to purchase for about U.S.$15 to U.S.$20. Also, your visa will be a 30-day tourist visa. If you decide to stay longer than 30 days, you can buy another visa while in Egypt to accommodate your traveling plans. There are typically two types of visas you can choose from: renewable tourist visa (not to exceed a 3-month period) and an entry visa (for travelers who desire to participate in other activities outside of tourism such as jobs or schooling). Usually, renewing a visa in Egypt is much cheaper. You won't have to pay nearly as much as you did initially. To be on the safe side, you can always obtain a visa prior to your arrival if that suits you best. While this is an option for most, travelers coming from particular countries are required to get visas for their passports prior to arrival. This is true for many countries such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, India, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, Thailand, Russia, Lebanon and Morocco, just to name a few. But bottom line, an official Egypt visa and a valid passport are the main required documents needed to enter the country.

    Health and Safety

    • Yellow fever vaccinations are required for travelers arriving from an affected area.

      While in Egypt, it is vital that you stay healthy and most importantly sustain it. Medical facilities fall relatively short in relation to U.S standards. According to the U.S. Department of State, proof of a yellow fever vaccination is required for all travelers arriving from an infected area. Also, if you will be working or studying in Egypt for more than 30 days, you are expected to provide evidence of an AIDS test to ensure the health of yourself and others. Testing may be performed in the United States under certain conditions prior to arrival. Please make sure you verify this information with Egypt's government before traveling.

    Traveling Tips

    • Always check in with the U.S. Embassy when traveling abroad.

      All U.S. passport travelers are advised to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or consulate at the U.S. Department of State Travel Registration page. This will provide you with updated information on travel and security. Registering with the embassy will allow the U.S. Department of State to assist and contact travelers in case of an emergency. After all, it's better safe than sorry. For travelers who don't have access to the Internet, they can register directly with the embassy. The embassy will ask for basic personal information about yourself (name, passport information, travel plans, etc.) and for a valid contact of a person that's not traveling with you. The U.S. Embassy in Cairo is located below.

      U.S. Embassy of Cairo
      5 Tawfik Diab Street
      Garden City, Cairo

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