Do Canadians Need a Visa to Enter India?

India is a land that beckons travelers with dreams of exotic travel. But without the proper paperwork, your dream can quickly turn into a nightmare. India does not grant visas upon arrival into the country and without a valid passport and visa you can be deported immediately. Following are the requirements for Canadian travelers to India.
  1. Entry Requirements

    • Canadian visitors to India must have both a passport that is valid for at least six months from the date of their trip and a visa to enter the country. Tourist visas are valid for 6 months and business visas are usually valid for one year.

    Obtaining a Visa

    • To obtain a visa, you must submit a completed application along with two passport photos, a passport valid for a minimum of six months longer than your trip, and the visa fee.
      You must submit your application to the Indian Visa and Consular Services Center in your area and applications usually take 10 to 14 days to process.


    • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you have all of your routine vaccines up to date and also have a Hepatitis A immunization and an antimalarial drug treatment before visiting India. Routine vaccines include chickenpox, polio, measles and mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus. If you are traveling to India from a country where yellow fever is present, you also must have a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to enter the country.

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