Passport Photo Regulations

Although most countries have passport photo regulations, by and large the requirements for these images are usually pretty similar from country to country. You must abide by the requirements to ensure the passport application process is efficient and timely.
  1. How Many?

    • The United States requires that passport applicants submit two identical passport photos with the passport application.


    • The photos submitted in the United States must be of a high quality. They should be printed on thin, photo-quality paper and be in color.

    Head Shot

    • The photo needs to show the full head of the applicant, without a hat, glasses or closed eyes. Applicants are allowed to smile as long as the smile is not exaggerated and the eyes do not close.


    • The applicant's head from chin to the top of the head should measure between 1 and 1 3/8 inches. This can be achieved by snapping the photograph from about four feet away.


    • Prescription eyeglasses can be worn, as long as there is no glare from the glasses in the photo.


    • Unless worn for daily religious reasons, all headgear must be removed in a passport photo. If headgear is worn, a signed statement from the applicant stating that the headgear is worn for religious reasons must be submitted with the application.

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