Automobile Route Planning

Traveling by car gives you more control over when and where you stop and what you see, and can save you money. But a road trip also requires a measure of planning in order to keep yourself safe, healthy and in good driving condition. An important part of planning a road trip is deciding which route to take.
  1. Online

    • Check online maps such as Google Maps, Yahoo Maps or Mapquest for an overview of how you'd like to travel. Though occasionally unreliable, online maps can give you a good idea of where you would like to go. They also provide traffic updates, a useful feature in avoiding frustrating traffic snarls.
      If you are traveling to an urban area and would like to know what type of building your destination will be in, check Google Maps to see if there is a streetview of your destination available. Streetview is limited to certain streets, but if you are traveling to a high-traffic or well-known street, you might be able to get a look at your destination online.

    Travel Services Agencies

    • Travel service agencies such as AAA often offer more services than just roadside assistance. Many offer members travel itineraries. For instance, AAA offers a service called TripTik, which helps plan your route and provides information and tips that will help you along your way. These travel itinerary packages often come with all the maps you'll need to route your trip.

    Road Conditions

    • Even if you plan your trip ahead of time, it is best to check road conditions for updates on construction situations before leaving. If you have a phone with an Internet connection, use online maps or local travel websites to find out the condition of the road ahead. Also, take note of traffic conditions caused by the time of day, such as rush-hour traffic in the city, and plan to avoid driving in urban areas during rush hour if possible.


    • Check your travel route for places to stop along the way. Estimate the mileage your vehicle gets per tank, and plan pit stops for gas based on the fuel capacity of your car. Check for places along the way that offer food, lodging and restroom facilities at appropriate intervals. You can use online maps to check for businesses and facilities along your route.


    • Consider the following when planning your road trip: If the point of the trip is to get from one place to another as quickly as possible, plan your route based on travel time and efficiency; if the road trip is designed to get out and see the world, take the most scenic route.

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