How to Get the Cheapest Myrtle Beach Vacation Packages

Myrtle Beach vacation packages are a great way to save money and still enjoy a wonderful vacation on the beach. The most important thing that people need to realize is that not every vacation package is the same. Some Myrtle Beach vacation packages may look like a great deal but when compared to others it can be double the amount of money.

Here is how anyone can get the cheapest Myrtle Beach vacation packages and afford an exciting getaway that is in your budget.


    • 1

      Check out websites that offer discounted Myrtle Beach vacation packages such as and If you find a package that looks enticing, copy the information into a word processing document or print out the information. This may take some time but it is worth if you want to save money. Be sure that you save the website address where the package can be found in the beginning of the document.

    • 2

      Start a file on your computer and Label it "Myrtle Beach Vacation Packages." This file will contain all the different vacation packages that you find and save into documents. If you would rather print all the information out then you can simply use a paper folder and store all the information in the pockets. Some people find it is easier to compare vacation packages when they are printed out rather than simply on the computer.

    • 3

      Look for Myrtle Beach vacation packages in the off season when prices on hotels get lower. The off season for Myrtle Beach ranges from the fall to the beginning of spring. You may also find that you can find cheaper rates in later spring, after spring break but before school has let out for the summer. Although the weather may be a bit colder you will find that rates are much cheaper and the beach is less crowded. This may not appeal to everyone, but it is a great way to save money.

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      Consult a travel agent or discount travel agency like AAA to see if they have any cheap Myrtle Beach vacation packages. Sometime you may find that these places offer certain specials to certain areas that are cheaper than the vacation packages that you find online. Always ask about any fees or service charges that you may incur if you book with them.

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      Be flexible in where you want to stay in Myrtle Beach. If you want to stay right on the beach you will most likely have to pay more for a hotel than if you stay somewhere that is not right on the beach or is on a quieter strip in the area. You can save hundreds of dollars on your vacation package by simply choosing a hotel or condo that is ½ mile from the beach rather than on the beach.

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      Compare all your Myrtle Beach vacation packages that you have collected. Once you have done your research and decided on when and where you will stay, take all your information that you collected in your Myrtle Beach folder and compare the packages. Toss any of the options that don't fit your criteria and then look at the price, what is included, and any special bonuses that you get in the package. Pick the Myrtle Beach vacation that is the cheapest and best deal for you.

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