How to Improve Airport Surveillance Systems

To protect passengers, infrastructure and staff, airport authorities should adopt the highest security systems to be able to monitor all locations within the public sphere. Airports should implement the use of advanced technological gadgets in screening passengers and luggage. Dealing with the threats at airports requires the adoption of an approach that covers the whole ground movement. Airports should implement, integrate and continually adopt new security systems.


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      Install CCTV cameras to monitor inside the terminal and the perimeter outside the airport. Use advanced CCTV surveillance and analytics equipment which can automatically detect abandoned luggage, intruders and suspicious behavior among staff or even passengers. Employ more security guards to observe passengers and note any abnormal behaviors. Set up control and command rooms to ensure efficient operation of surveillance. Use analytics equipment that provide automated recording, monitoring and reporting to prevent crime in and around the airport.

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      Implement the use of full body screening technologies. Use imagers, metal detectors, millimeter-wave and low level x-rays which help find weapons and explosives and narcotics. Though there might be some privacy concerns when it comes to a full body scan, security concerns tend to override them.

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      Manage the entry of cars and humans into the airport where appropriate. This helps reduces risks. Use restricted area door lock systems on staff only areas. Barriers and gates, guarded by security personnel gives passengers and staff a sense of security at the airport. Security guards should use metal detectors to detect weapons. Since airports have large perimeters, use surveillance that covers long ranges. At night, use flood lights to emphasize boundaries and restricted sites.

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      Install alarm systems that will go off in case of an invasion or threat. Use smoke detectors that will alert you if there is a fire at the airport. Ground-based radars are used to detect and track intruders in restricted areas. For safe aircraft landing, the runway should be free of debris; use automatic detection equipment that detects potential debris threats.

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