How to Camp in Monte Carlo, France

Monte Carlo forms part of the greater region of Monaco, an autonomous state surrounded by France. This area is located on the French Riviera in an area commonly known as the Cote d'Azur. Monte Carlo has a population of approximately 3,000 people. The closest campsites to Monte Carlo are in nearby areas of the Cote d'Azur. Although it is possible to camp there all year round, it is preferable to do so in the summer when the temperatures are warmer.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Credit or debit card
  • Camping Equipment


    • 1

      Decide where on the Cote d'Azur you wish to camp. Beausoleil and Eze are the most popular local spots for camping and each is within five miles of Monte Carlo.

      Beausoleil and Eze each have their own official tourist departments. There are links to both on the main official Cote d'Azur tourism website which you can find at The website has an English language option.

    • 2

      Pick your campground at either Beausoleil or Eze. You can find campgrounds in each area at, a general resource for campsites in the southeast of France, or, which specializes in activity camps in France. For campgrounds in Beausoleil only, try For one particular option in Eze, try Each website has an English language option on its main page.

    • 3

      Consider the different amenities and facilities available at each camp. After evaluating your options, decide on a campground and then log on to the appropriate website. Book your campsite online with a credit or debit card. Some websites and campgrounds may offer an alternative booking method, such as via the telephone. If you wish to book this way, find the appropriate contact details on the campground's website and call the campsite directly. Make a note of the address and contact details of the campsite you have booked.

    • 4

      Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements you need to fulfill before you enter the country. If you are not a citizen of the European Union you need to find out if you are eligible for a visa. From certain countries no visa is required to enter and travel within Europe for up to three months. You can check the current legal requirements for your nationality at Note that the borders of Monaco are monitored and controlled by the French government.

    • 5

      Find directions to the campsite at Check the weather for Monte Carlo at The temperature is usually moderate but there is always the potential for a day of rainfall. Pack appropriate clothes. All campsites will require you to bring your own sleeping bag. You do not need to bring any equipment for water purification. There are drinking water taps at campsites and they are clearly distinguished from water taps for cleaning clothes. Some campsites supply tents for their grounds while others require you to bring your own. Information on accommodations is available on the campground websites.

    • 6

      Make sure you have your transaction details, the credit or debit card you booked with and a your passport for verification purposes when you arrive at the camp. These are necessary to check into the campsite.

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