How to Tour Disney World in Google Earth

If you've ever tried to plan a trip to Disney World in Orlando, you know that the huge theme parks can be daunting, and hard to navigate. But now, two great wonders of the modern world -- Google and Disney -- have combined forces to allow you to take a virtual tour of the parks from the comfort of your own computer. The images are highly detailed, right down to individual benches and water fountains! You can even do a fly-over! Here's how.


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      Head to the "See Disney World in 3D" link at (see Resource links for a direct connection), and view the video of Professor Ludwig von Drake. He's a very helpful duck.

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      Download Google Earth on your computer, if you don't already have it. You can do the download at the Disney World site or directly from Google Earth (see Resources for links).

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      Once in Google Earth, simply search on "Disney World", and then click on the Mouse Ears (what else!) to begin your virtual tour.

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      Enjoy your tour! How often do you get to tour Disney World absolutely free?

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