How to Make Beach Sand Letters

Writing letters half the size of your full body in the ground does not sound like a simple task. However, if you use the right tool and plot your sizing carefully, writing in the sand is hardly different from everyday writing. While you may assume a stick would serve as an ideal writing implement, it is not well-suited to the job. The letters need to be large and broad, and a stick is too narrow to create broad lettering. There is a better way to arm yourself for the task, and once you get started you will see how easy it is to scribe away on sandy shores.

Things You'll Need

  • Broken shell
  • Branch, if needed
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      Look for broken seashells along the beach. Scavenge the area until you spy a broad, broken shell that has a sharp point.

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      Find a place where there is an area of sand that does not have a lot of beach clutter, i.e., shells, driftwood or palm fronds. Remove any items that will get in your way as you form letters.

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      Smooth the sand with a branch or your hand.

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      Place the point of the shell writing utensil several inches down into the sand.

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      Pull the shell through the sand to form your letters. Try to limit yourself to a writing style that does not require you to make many direction changes as you form each letter.

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