How to Prepare to Move

Need to prepare for a move? Moving takes a lot of time and energy. By getting organized ahead time you can save a lot work. Follow these tips to prepare to move.

Things You'll Need

  • Boxes
  • Trash bags
  • Computer or paper and a pen
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      First, as soon as you know you're going to need to prepare for a move, put trash bags in every room. Throw away everything you don't want to bring with you. Let go of your sentiment and attachment to things that have collected dust in your home throughout the years. Give yourself permission to keep a certain number of useless things. Stick to your decision. Sell items you don't want to keep in a garage sale or on You can also do a curb alert on CraigsList and give things away for free. Giving things away for free is the fastest way to get rid of them. Remember, it's going to cost time and money to drag things to your new home.

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      If you are going to prepare for move and thinking about using a moving company, make sure to get a few estimates. Make sure the company has insurance. Keep a "move" file because certain moving expenses are tax deductible.

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      If you are doing your own packing, put one box in each room and begin packing things you don't need until after you move. As soon as each box is full, move it to a designated area. Don't forget when you're preparing to move to mark each box. For example, if you just finished packing things in the kitchen, write, "kitchen" on the box.

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      As you get closer to your moving date, you should be able to start packing more and more things. To prepare to move, make sure to mark boxes that you will want to open first after you move into your new home. You don't want to waste a lot of time in your new home going through boxes to find your shaver and electric toothbrush.

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      If you are moving to another area start acclimating yourself to the neighborhood. Do google searches on all your favorite shopping places like Blockbuster, CVS Pharmacy, and grocery stores. Check their locations on a map like

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      To prepare to move, start making a list of all the companies you will have to notify about your new address. Make a list of all the delivery services you will have to cancel or change. You can probably change most of your information online.

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      If you have any pets when you prepare to move, check with your new city's ordinances. There are usually different laws in different cities for pets.

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      About two weeks before moving, you will want to start calling utility companies and delivery services. Review your list for changing your address. Did you forget anyone? Your bank? Do you need to transfer your prescriptions?

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      One week before your move, you should have most of your things packed. If you're using a mover, make sure to start communicating with him about how you want things done. You will probably want things like cleaning solutions and the vacuum cleaner packed last, so you can clean your new home before you start to unpack. When you prepare to move don't forget to pack the boxes of your everyday needs last, so they're the first ones you unload off the truck.

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      Once you're prepared to move and everything is packed on the truck, relax until you arrive at your new home. You deserve it.

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